Friday, April 22, 2005

Its a revolt!

This company owning thing is not as easy as it first looked.

Since buying a few blogs shares of stock here
one of my companies has fought back against the "man" This one!

He (or she this is the virtual world) has issued more stock, making each share worth less and less...

I'm taking a beating on this!

I dont even want to calculate the amount I have lost, but its must be in the hundres of thousands! Dang you!

I guess with a name like Rowdy Theologian as the owner I should have known better!


E. McPan said...

Gee, you'd think the Lenin and Trotsky finger puppet shows would have tipped you off...PS Rowdy was a Nader supporter to the bitter end until he went to Kucinich.

Rowdy Theologian said...

Reverse that McPan...Kucinich supporter until Nader announced he was running again. (But I still drink coffee from my Kucinich Travel Mug in my new F-350.)

Hearse Driver said...

I am going to have to google Kucinich, since I have not heard of it.

And Nader? dang the anti-man man.
he is the killer of big companies, my worse nightmare!