Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Texas size BBQ

Tanker catches fire, shuts down I-35W

By Deanna Boyd

Star-Telegram Staff Writer

FORT WORTH -- Call it a Texas-size barbecue.

An 18-wheeler carrying tens of thousands of pounds of refrigerated meat overturned and caught fire in north Fort Worth on Wednesday, filling the air with the smell of burning meat and forcing the partial closure of Interstate 35W for several hours.

The wreck happened just after 1 a.m., when the truck's driver struck a concrete embankment while merging onto southbound I-35W from U.S. 287.

"He hit that on the right side of the truck, which basically vaulted the truck and turned it over on its left side," said officer Robert Mills of the commercial vehicle enforcement unit.

The truck's fuel tanks were punctured, sparking a fire that engulfed the cab and part of the trailer and spilling gas onto the highway. The driver, a 24-year-old Dumas man, kicked out a window and escaped with only minor injuries, Mills said.

The southbound lanes and one northbound lane of the highway were reopened by 9 a.m.

"You could definitely smell the meat," said Mills, who considers steak his favorite food. "We went to eat right afterward."

This is on my way to work. The Interstate was still shut down at 6 am when I left, so me and my ride share took a seprate route, but we both wanted to go see 40 thousand lbs of meat cooking! the traffice copter reports said it was a heck of a bbq!

Monday, April 25, 2005

Gas Prices

Most people that complain about gas prices do the following.

1. Think GW is doing a great job.

2. Drive by themselves.

3. Would never take public transportation.

4. Drive as fast as they can get away with and then complain when they get a ticket.

5. Drive a gas guzzling machine and love it more than there kids or spouse.

now me...

1. GW and Hitler are alot alike

2. I carpool

3. I would love to take a bus or train to work.

4. Do the speed limit or close to it.

5. Have a ford focus.

This past fill up, I averaged 38.4 miles per gallon. That is above what the EPA estimated on my car when I bought it.
I slowed down to 60 mph on the Interstate. And that is the speed limit.

Before you complain about gas prices, ask yourself if you are doing your part to streatch your gas dollars.

ok back to your bourbon and coke, that is all the Hippy preaching from me today.

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Not a blond joke

so my blond sister calls me to get one of our brothers phone numbers because the one she just tried didnt work.

I find the number I have and ask "see if this number is the same as what you tried"

her "oh I already deleted it when I heard it was no good"

me "well see if it sounds familiar"

Her "Oh wait, I can look on my were is my phone????? "

Uh your on it?

Oh yea blond moment!

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Orange you glad I didnt say Banna!

Check out this site on oranges.

Its not just freshly squeezed!

And yes its ok to love your orange.

The Orange pulp is HERE

Friday, April 22, 2005

Its a revolt!

This company owning thing is not as easy as it first looked.

Since buying a few blogs shares of stock here
one of my companies has fought back against the "man" This one!

He (or she this is the virtual world) has issued more stock, making each share worth less and less...

I'm taking a beating on this!

I dont even want to calculate the amount I have lost, but its must be in the hundres of thousands! Dang you!

I guess with a name like Rowdy Theologian as the owner I should have known better!

Moon 4-22-2005 8:00pm Central Time Posted by Hello

Thursday, April 21, 2005

I own you!

Ok E. Mcpan you work for me now!

Quazer posted about making money from blogs. Well since I cant write as good as them, I figured I would just buy them out.

Go here to see more Blogshares

Most blogs are listed just like a public company.
Each Blog has 5k shares of stock. 1k is reserved for the owner of the blog, the other 4k are up for sale.

So I bought...

The Neutral Zone Trap


All the shares in my blog.

Then I took it a little further. Seeing how alot of E. Mcpans readers are lawyer type folks, and should always make money I bought some more.


The Bawdy Cloister

and about 10 others.

So as the majority stockholder you now work for me. Get busy. Make me some money!

Quazer, posting once a week will not suffice. I want at least one a day.

E. Mcpan, you just finished law school, so you have nothing else to do I excpect 3 posts a day. And no time off!

My shares of The Neutral Trape zone are worth about 260,000.00 I want to double that!

and Quazer, you have no were to go but way up!

And Stag, E. Mcpan's blog is worth 1k more than yours. That just wont do to be worth less than a 3 foot ASIAN thats from Texas and is a Fan of a sport that is not played in the USA anymore!

Its good to be a Rich Repulican and have everyone work for you!

Major news! thanks stag...
Stag the best blog on the internet, is worth .05 cents more per share than The Neutral Trap zone! Thats 201.10 to me since I own 4k shares in each!

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

I did not do it!!!

I promise it was not me.

You may have heard on the news that a guy name Michael spit on Jane Fonda the communist *****'s face last night at a book sighning in Mississippi.

It was not me. I was in Texas the whole time!

I dont like her at all, and would not be sad if she got hit by a train, but I wouldnt spit on her. Now if someone that spent years in the hano hilton spit on her, hey more power to you. she spit on you so fair is fair. (I wonder if the eye for an eye in the bible counts here?)

The clocks on the right show the time here in Texas and the Time in Italy.

so beckn if you want a clock on your blog click the clock and follow the instructs. Oh and I might have the time off by one hour in Italy. Naples was not a choice but some other place in Italy was, didnt know if they were all on the same time.

Jane Fonda the communist *****

My son happily informed me that Jane Fonda (I finished the name) was going to be in the DFW area soon to sighn autographs.
he asked if we were going to see her and protest outside werever she was signing!

Sounded like a good idea to me.

but alas we wont.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Daughters Birthday

My daughters 15th birthday is today.

Can you remember yours? I don’t!

Anytime I tell someone that its my daughters or sons birthday, no matter what age they are turning I get the warning. I am sure other parents have heard "the warning"

The Warning is something like, "oh she is turning 3? boy thats a tough year, LOOK OUT"
or "wow 7 already? You better LOOK OUT"

It is all BS.
When she became a teenager its was "ohh look out, you have to watch her now that she’s a teenager!"
What, I didn’t have to watch her the first 12 years?

Now its, ohh one more year and she will be driving "look out!" Or ohhh 15, you better "LOOK OUT"

Or you get, the "I remember when I was X years old, that was the worse year of my life, you better LOOK OUT!"

Not one year has been any worse than the last. As a matter of fact every year has gotten better. So when someone tells me "LOOK OUT" I yawn and say yea whatever.

So happy birthday to my Daughter.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Mom, Im gonna say the "B" word so dont be alarmed.

So scroll down to read.....

Ok now if you got this far I wont fell bad for saying a bad word.

Jane Fonda "the comunist bitch" has been on tv for last few weeks.

Now I cant say her name without the communist bitch.


so this Bitch apologizes now for being a traitor and crapping all over the soldiers fighting in vietnam.
It's a little late. Just cause you want to sell some books and fell good and get on tv you finally come out and say your sorry? Better idea would be to go to every family that had a soldier in the "hano hilton" and grovel without telling anyone. but no your only in it to get your ugly herpes infested mug on tv.

Hano Jane should have been shot. No that would be to good for her.
I wont type what should happen to her but trust me, It would not be nice.
Can you imagine what would happen today if someone had gone to IRAQ and sat in an anti air gun? or visited the prison were some of our soldiers were? sheeeet.

One thing they go over and over in Marine boot camp was how much of a traitor bitch she is/was.
One of the physical punishments was the jane fonda communist bitch workout. I did enough of it to last a lifetime.

My wife put her foot down and said my son cant say "communist bitch"
ok I can agree with that, but If he says Jane Fonda, he looks at me waiting for me to finish the statement. Then we both look at mom so she can chew us out for being 12 yr old's!

Friday, April 15, 2005

I might have a picture published

A very well known and much read publication has asked to borrow my picture of the bluebonnets.

I am really excited!

Next will TIME be calling?

Very well known publication is here

I went at lunch Wed. and took some pictures with a lady from work. She is pretty good, and just recently was contacted by the local paper about some free lance work. She explained some things to me that I was having trouble with. Did you know that you take the lens cap off before you focus?

Seriously, she showed me some neat stuff.

Going to the nascar bush race tomorrow, hoping I can get some great photos there.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Are you stupid or just on crack?

So I went to Best Buy looking for micromedia or compact flash.

I get to the camera dept were they have them, and I am just browsing.

Up walks this guy about 20 to 24 years old, wearing a lab coat, one of the white kind you see Dr.’s wearing.

“Hi can I help you find anything?”

Now if you know me and my looks it does not take a very perceptive person to quickly realize I have not even met you and already I hate you and I sure don’t want to talk to your goofy self.

This guy was anything but perceptive.

Me in my normal rude leave me alone tone “No I found what I am looking for.”

Then he does the unthinkable.

“My name is stupid, and you are?” and STICKS his hand out to shake mine.

????? Dude are you on crack and put on a DR’S coat or something? Does the Phsych Hospital know your out in public?
Did you not catch the glare I gave you when you walked up and the worse one when you first opened your pie hole?
Did you miss the rude tone in my voice?
Did you mistake my evil looks as wanting to kiss you?
Did your parents have any children that lived?

I looked at his hand for about a second then looked at him with all those questions running across my face.

He smiles like he wants to hug me!

I did not shake his hand….and told him my name was Mr. Elwood and asked him why the hell he was wearing a Halloween costume!

He still didn’t get it!

He then ask me what kind of camera I had what kind of lenses and were I got my pictures printed!
I told him about my camera politly and the lenses, then I said I printed my own pictures at home. (A lie but I was setting him up!)
He then tells me about the great prices they have on printing pictures at best buy and how great the quality was!
So I asked him with the only pleasing look on my face so far.

“I take male gay sex pictures, can you print those here? I have been looking for a place to get them printed, and can you print 8x10, because my customers really like the bigger prints, and would my privacy be protected and…”

Well he got all chocked up, turned red, said uh well uh we uh um uh…

I turned and walked off much happier!

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

New bugs (or old bugs?)

Michael Schirber
LiveScience Staff Writer

Namesakes of the U.S. President and two of his key people might be crawling around your back yard as you read this.

Three new beetles of the genus Agathidium have been named after members of the current administration: A. bushi, A. cheneyi and A. rumsfeldi.

Two former Cornell University entomologists, Quentin Wheeler and Kelly Miller, were in charge of naming 65 new species of slime-mold beetles, which they discovered while studying the insects' evolution and classification.

Wheeler, who is now head of entomology at the Natural History Museum in London, said that the choice to name beetles after President George W. Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld was out of admiration for their principles, not because they look like the beetles.

None of these beetles make their home inside the Beltway.

Wheeler said Agathidium bushi has been found in southern Ohio, North Carolina and Virginia; Agathidium cheneyi inhabits Chiapas, Mexico; and Agathidium rumsfeldi is known from Oaxaca and Hidalgo in Mexico.

The slime-mold beetles are so-called because they feed on fungi-like molds.

Some of the other recently identified specimens were named after the entomologists' wives and their scientific illustrator, as well as Pocahontas, Hernan Cortez, and the Aztecs.

Most of the rest of the names are derived from various geographic locations or distinguishing features. One of the beetles was called A. vaderi because of its shiny, Darth-Vader-like head.

Scientists are allowed to name the species they discovery. According to rules established by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, the species name must end in "i" if it comes from a person.

The rather long scientific names also includes the names of those who first described the species.

The new names are reported in a monograph in the March 24, 2005, issue of the Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History.

Short a Testicle, Sexually Lopsided Beetles Still Do Their Thing
Creepy Pets: Huge Beetles Sell for $130
Why Insects Swarm, and the Gory Endings of Loners
Vote Now: the Ugliest Animals
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Took some pics of bluebonnets at lunch today. Posted by Hello

Field of bluebonnets for my displaced Texas friends. Posted by Hello

Monday, April 11, 2005

Not again

June of last year I broke my foot.
built the pool with a broken foot.

Friday playing raquet ball during lunch I broke my big toe.
about typical.

No didnt go to no dang DR.
Just what exactly would he tell me (aint going to no female dr again...Ill blog about the boot camp horror story another time thank you very much)
He would tape it up.
Heck I can do that.

my solution is to take 2 shots of bourbon and a splash of coke!

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Crop of a pic I took this morning. Posted by Hello


There's a teacher in a small Texas town. She asks her class how many of them are Bush fans. Not really knowing what a Bush fan is, but wanting to be liked by the teacher, all the kids raise their hands except one boy, Johnny. The teacher asks Johnny why he has decided to be different. Johnny says, "I'm not a bush fan." The teacher says, "Why aren't you a bush fan?" Johnny says, "I'm an Al Gore fan"
The teacher asks why he's an Al Gore fan. The boy says, "Well, my mom's an Al Gore fan and my dad's an Al Gore fan, so I'm an Al Gore fan!" The teacher is kind of angry, because this is Texas, so she says, "What if you're mom was a moron and you're dad was an idiot, what would that make you?" Johnny says, "That would make me a Bush fan."

Wednesday, April 6, 2005

Sons trailer for his lawn mowing buisness Posted by Hello

So my daughter came up to me wanting some money last year.

“Dad, can you give me 10 dollars to buy some earrings from claires”


“Well how can I buy them”


“Well dad I am only 14”


So she printed up fliers and put them all over the neighborhood and she has been babysitting a little bit and buying earrings and Johnny Depp posters and typical 14yr old girl stuff.

So my son came up a few months ago

“Dad can I have 50 dollars to buy this x-box football game”


“Well how can I buy it?”


“Well dad I am only 12”


So he printed flyers and distributed them in the neighborhood and already has 2 clients.

Now me, I charge them both 20 bucks a month to use the phone for there business. And I am leasing my son the lawnmower since its mine. And I charge them for the paper and ink and the use of my printer for the fliers. Also I charge a tax of 30% on all income they receive for housing and food..

I sure hope they get a lot more jobs!

Saturday, April 2, 2005

Boy talk about hate.

The Terry Shiavo mess! Jeez them guys hate the hell out of each other!

I can not imagine hating someone so much! And I dislike most people on pure principal.

Personally I think Michael Shiavo has the mind of a 3 year old. He is throwing one hell of a temper fit!
Dude, uhhh hello, your wife is/was a vegatable, so you shacked up with another woman and had 2 kids. Why the hell are you so intent on "punishing" her parents? Her parents did not go out and pick up a replacment daughter, they have stood by her side for a long time.

Terrys mom and dad, uhh hello your grown adults start acting like them. If you cant change stupids (the son in laws) mind then move on. If you believe 100% in your religion then you would know that your god is not going to be upset at all about how or were your daughter is buried. He or she (your god) knows you gave 100% and that is all he or she can ask.

My parents may or may not have fought to keep me alive if I was in the same situation as Terry was, but I will say they would have acted more like grown adults and moved on. Heck mom would just say a few hail mary's and everything would be fine.

An expression I hear all the time "you can chose friends but you cant chose family"
well you cut your friends lose when its hopeless and family, well they may always be family but you sure the heck dont go to the extent these fools did.

Me I have disowned and acctepted back nearly all my bros and sisters at one time or another. I get over it.

A wise man said to me along time ago, "you cant change some poeples minds learn to live with the way they are"

I think it was told to me when I was suppose to mow the yard and was trying to talk him out of making me do that. He was right. I mowed the dang yard!

Ok back to your bourbon and diet coke (I am trying to lose a few pounds shut up!)

Friday, April 1, 2005


By BEN DOBBIN, Associated Press Writer

ROCHESTER, N.Y. - A 36-year-old woman with severe hypertension has been fitted with a pacemaker-like implant that, in limited trials in Europe, has shown promise in controlling wayward blood pressure through electronic stimulation of neck-artery nerves

Annette Lawrence, a mother of three, has suffered for a decade from a chronic condition that a panoply of drugs and lifestyle changes has failed to alleviate

I had to look that word up.

5 entries found for panoply.
pan·o·ply Audio pronunciation of "panoply" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (pn-pl)
n. pl. pan·o·plies

1. A splendid or striking array: a panoply of colorful flags. See Synonyms at display.
2. Ceremonial attire with all accessories: a portrait of the general in full panoply.
3. Something that covers and protects: a porcupine's panoply of quills.
4. The complete arms and armor of a warrior.

[Greek panopli : pan-, pan- + hopla, arms, armor, pl. of hoplon, weapon.]

[Download or Buy Now]
Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

Main Entry: panoply1
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: a complete and magnificent array
Etymology: Greek pan- + hopla `armor'

Source: Webster's New Millennium™ Dictionary of English, Preview Edition (v 0.9.5)
Copyright © 2003, 2004 Lexico Publishing Group, LLC

Main Entry: panoply2
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: a full suit of armor; a complete defense or covering
Etymology: Greek pan- + hopla `armor'

Source: Webster's New Millennium™ Dictionary of English, Preview Edition (v 0.9.5)
Copyright © 2003, 2004 Lexico Publishing Group, LLC