Boy talk about hate.
The Terry Shiavo mess! Jeez them guys hate the hell out of each other!
I can not imagine hating someone so much! And I dislike most people on pure principal.
Personally I think Michael Shiavo has the mind of a 3 year old. He is throwing one hell of a temper fit!
Dude, uhhh hello, your wife is/was a vegatable, so you shacked up with another woman and had 2 kids. Why the hell are you so intent on "punishing" her parents? Her parents did not go out and pick up a replacment daughter, they have stood by her side for a long time.
Terrys mom and dad, uhh hello your grown adults start acting like them. If you cant change stupids (the son in laws) mind then move on. If you believe 100% in your religion then you would know that your god is not going to be upset at all about how or were your daughter is buried. He or she (your god) knows you gave 100% and that is all he or she can ask.
My parents may or may not have fought to keep me alive if I was in the same situation as Terry was, but I will say they would have acted more like grown adults and moved on. Heck mom would just say a few hail mary's and everything would be fine.
An expression I hear all the time "you can chose friends but you cant chose family"
well you cut your friends lose when its hopeless and family, well they may always be family but you sure the heck dont go to the extent these fools did.
Me I have disowned and acctepted back nearly all my bros and sisters at one time or another. I get over it.
A wise man said to me along time ago, "you cant change some poeples minds learn to live with the way they are"
I think it was told to me when I was suppose to mow the yard and was trying to talk him out of making me do that. He was right. I mowed the dang yard!
Ok back to your bourbon and diet coke (I am trying to lose a few pounds shut up!)
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