Friday, May 18, 2007

Been working on wheel

IMG_1755, originally uploaded by hearsedrv.

This is the hub I made for my new pedal car.

The pedal car is going to be a two seat recumbent with a 2nd deck...

I am making the wheels. I had to manufacture the hubs as in this pic, then take a wheel apart and attach it to this hub. its pretty difficult.

but it worked.

Having a clean garage helps!

To this!

IMG_1764, originally uploaded by hearsedrv.

This is the wheel with 48 spokes attached...and finger tight.

This is gonna work.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Did you call your mom on Mothers Day?

I did. I had to leave a message. Called later and it just rang. With over 10 brothers and sisters I figured she was talking to one of them.

so called the next day...(or 2 days later I am getting old) and had good chat.

Until I ask if all my brothers and sisters called her...Holly bat poo, four YES four did not call!

You know who you are you slimy piece of cow poo! She would not tell me exactly the ones, I think she is scared I might go George Bush on em and declare war...but I did figure out all but one have kids of there own...

How do you not call your mom on mothers day? I would have to ask but I dont think I ever forgot to call. Even when I was knee deep in the chit in Vietnam hunting Charlie I would stop down and call mom on mothers day!

Not only should you fell like crap, you should have a thousand flees infest your armpits!

Yea maybe good idea not to let me know who did not call...

Monday, May 14, 2007

I am my grandfathers grandson...

IMG_1753, originally uploaded by hearsedrv.

My moms dad was a huge do it yourself type of man. In his tradition, I needed a tool to take off a sprocket from a bike. They sell a real nice one at the bike shop for 22 bucks...yea right

I took a 26 cent bolt, ground it to the right size and welded it to a wrench...

the wrench cost a buck at any flea market..

now I have a buck 26 tool that is worth 22 bucks!


Thursday, May 10, 2007

New Bench...clean garage

IMG_1714, originally uploaded by hearsedrv.

Cleaned up the garage and built a nice work bench...