Friday, May 19, 2006

Companies are stupid, its not Wal-Marts fault

Went to Albertsons grocery store in Crowley Tx. yesterday for there 8 hour sale.

They spent thousands of dollars to bring people into the store. Basically for those that dont know, they have whats called loss leaders, items there selling at a loss in order to suck you into the store were you will have a pleasant experience buy other items and come back and spend money on high profit items.

So lets customer service, packed stores, they act like they dont give a damn about you...but there dirt cheap.

Albertsons, customer service...friendly checkers, someone to carry your groceries to your car... but higher prices..

You really cant compete head to head with wal-mart prices, you have to offer something better. Its so damn simple but you have guys with MBA'S that cant figure it out.

So I get in line with my on sale crap behind a lady who I would guess was 78 years old. Very frail, took her a bit to unload her cart onto the check out belt (I helped a little with the heavy items). She didnt know why it was so busy, this other older lady explained about the 8 hour sale. Ohh she says, normally its not like this.

so this lady asks for paper sacks and actually wrote a check. That should tell you a little more about her age. The punk ass worthless checker didnt even acknowledge her. that piece of garbage didnt notice a damn thing about her.

So she pays and has a full cart of groceries in paper sacks, did that punk call for a carry out? did any of the 3 or 4 carry out kids offer or ask if she needed help? Nope not a one did.
so she start pushing her cart all the way down past every check out (we were at one end she parked out the other) I watched her go the entire store and NOT ONE TIME DID SOMEONE OFFER TO HELP. Now I know some dont want help and I understand but no one even asked!

So my small purchase is done as she is walking out the store..(give you an idea, took her 5 minutes to push thru all the people at her slow rate) I stop this store manager lady and I ask

"Do yall supplie carry out service?" as the carry out kids are horsing around with the checkers.

she says "Yes sir we do!"

what I said next cant not be written here, but lets say the manager ran full speed to catch up with the lady and loaded her groceries in her car.

Now before someone trys to make me mad, yea I could have offered to help somehow. and would have if I wasnt trying to pay for my groceries. And at other times when I can I will. But thats not the point. The point is Albertsons spent thousands to get you in the store but treat you no better than Wal-Mart!


I am easing up on wal-mart, hell its not there fault the rest of the world is stupid, there just smarter than you!