Thursday, July 29, 2004

Dolly Wood

I watch alot of the history channel and the travel channel
On one of them the other day, they did a special on Dolly Wood.
Dolly Wood is a theme amusement park in tennesse. Themed on Dolly Parton.

Dolly Wood

Friend that lives in Tennessee take the white trash quiz and scores under 30%.

Now, first, he drinks wine from a box. That by itself should make you 30% white trash.

But he also has family season pass to DOLLY WOOD!
He says it for his kids, but I know better. He is into the grand ol opera stuff.
I bet he even goes to the grand ol opera 3 times a year!

If that is not 100% white trash I dont know what is!
heck he should have lifetime membership in the redeneck white trash society of tennesse!

Dolly Wood Jeez!

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

white trash?

The white trash in my blood will not keep me from becoming a doctor or a lawyer, but it will keep me from a good haircut and any sort of fashion sense.

I am one of those people that love to hear the sound of their voice. That and my lousy attitude make for a mixture as toxic next-day-mexican-dinner-ass-drip.

Monday, July 26, 2004

Did my brother get lucky or did he get LUCKY

One of my bros has been coming over and helping on the pool on weekends.
He is deaf so our communication is not the best.

I sighn worse than I type.

So he comes and helps saturday, about 4pm I thought I asked him to drive me to the hardware store.  Guess not.  about 30 min later he calls thru relay texas asking what kind of cement I wanted.  he just took off without me to get what I needed.  and he did get what i needed. was cool.

So sunday, we are working hard on putting down cement, and he tells me his legs are tired from dancing the night before.
Me being the big brother ask the only good question. 

"So did you get lucky?"

he says "arghkdighh"  (i dont know what the hell he said)
I said did you "get with a girl?"

at this point I think we had some more poor communication. 
I think he said 2 girls.  I know thats what he said.
I said, "you got with 2 girls same time?"
He said,  "no 2 diffrent girls"
me,  "oh so you got with one girl then got with another in the same night?"
he said something i didnt understand,
something about 2 girls same time, or something.
i then told katy, and he started yelling, stuff i didnt understand.
so i just said to him, "ok you got with 2 girls same time then 2 diffrent girls diffrent times later?"

at this point  he quit talking to me.

so im wondering just what the hell kind of party he went to.
and next time he should invite me!

editors note.
after reading this after i posted, thought i should clarify.  Just picture said brother, and i think you know who it is, getting mad at me, then really getting mad when i said something to katy.
He said some choice words outloud!  I think i embaressed him somehow!


Sunday, July 25, 2004

pool, sides with sand, cement on bottom. sunday 6 pm Posted by Hello

son, moving mason sand from driveway to backyard. Posted by Hello

Main drain, and cement.  Posted by Hello

About half way done with cement on the bottom.

cement bottom day one Posted by Hello

This is about 6pm sunday. 
wife, her sister, my brother and me mixed cement most of the day.
was a big team effort.
Katy mixed it, her sister wheeled it to my brother, they scooped it into 5 gallon buckets
my brother carried it to me and I put it in place.
Notice the sticks sticking up?  that is were the top of the cement goes to.
most of its about 1.5 to 2 inchs thick, but this one spot is 4 to 5 inches thick, that takes alot of mixing to fill.  I just smooth the cement so the top is even with the sticks, then i take the sticks out. 
Also the main drain is in as is the nych for the light.
The wife and I are going to do about 2 hours an evening on cement, should be done wed?  or so.
and during breaks I will finish the plumbing and run the electical.
should be putting the liner in sat. with working pumps and filters.
In other words, no deck done, but sunday we could be swimming.


Friday, July 23, 2004

Cement the bottom tomorrow

I will be putting cement in the bottom of the pool sometime tomorrow.
I still have to put in the main drain, shouldnt be but few hours for that early in the am. then its cement time.
if i get all the cement in tomorrow, I will install the liner sunday and start filling with water.
that looks doubtful, as i still have some electrical to run.  Might have to put the liner in next saturday.
probably will plan on that but we will see.  I have plenty to do even with liner out so wont rush things.

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Pool Update again

working on getting the bottom of the pool ready for the concrete.
its real slow going with my foot in a walking boot.
I am over half way done, should be putting concrete in bottome by saturday morning.

might, just might be putting liner and water in sunday, we will see.

Saturday, July 17, 2004

Religous truths

  1.  Muslims do not recognize Judaism as a religion.
  2.  Jews do not recognize Jesus as the Messiah.
  3.  Protestants do not recognize the Pope as the leader of the Christian faith.
  4.  Baptists do not recognize each other at Hooters.

Thursday, July 15, 2004

My ford focus will do 94 mph max!

I can do a lot of different titles for this post.
My car will do 94
were is a cop when you need them?
White trash should be shot!
Black lady helping a white guy!
after you read threw this you will see what I mean.
     I leave for work at 5:50 in the am. Its still dark.  I drive 174 to I-35.  At I35 174 is 2 lanes and the interstate is 2 lanes, after they merge its 3 lanes. 
     The lane all the way to the left next to the concrete barrier is called lane one, middle is called middle and far right is lane 3 or far right.
     I was coming down 174 in lane "4", one to the right of lane 3, after about a 1/4 of mile it has to either exit, or merge with I-35.  So each morning for last 6 years, I merge,  I look over my left shoulder, check traffic, look again in mirror, use blinker, and merger, and most days I go ahead and merge all the way to the #1 lane, since I take it for the next 35 miles!
    This morning, I looked over my left, there was black expedition or suburban, about 150 feet back, plenty of room for me to merge to the #1 lane, I used blinker and did just that.
    Next thing I know,  I am being hit on my left side of the car, by a small green pickup!  It knocks me around a Little, takes my Mirror completely off! 
    Evedently he was behind the black truck, and as I moved over he had switched to the middle lane, then back to the #1 lane, about the time I was in the #1 lane.  He was speeding.  I know this since I was doing exactly the speed limit.  (more about that in a minute)
   My first thoughts were all bad words!   but then he just keeps going. 
Were is a cop when you need em?
    Well for all you butthead thinking hearse had done something wrong let me set you straight.
Reason I know I was doing the speed limit and was perfectly legal, is...
I was following onto the Interstate a Texas State Trooper!
This a-hole passes me on the shoulder, hits my car, takes my mirror off, and there is dps trooper in the #3 lane!  course he didn't see it, as I pulled up next to him, the dps trooper that is, he just gave me a blank stare!  so I took matters into my own hands.  This white trash red neck SOB was not going to get away with this crap!
I dropped the 4 cyc.  hearse turbo charged, triple cross threaded header 2001 RED ford focus into 4th gear and went into High pursuit!
Got my little boy up to 94MPH and guys that is all he had!  Lucky the guy that sideswipped me, saw me and the black expedition on his ass!  He realized, he had been fingered!  I pull up beside him and motion for him to pull over!  He shoots me the finger.
Now normally in DFW traffic someone shoots the finer, you just say to yourself, "oh well"
but I knew that the dps trooper was right behind us! 
so I went into his lane.  In all seriousness I was read to put that SOB into the wall.
When I was younger I drove some stock cars, plus played car tag with old cars, and I was in a demolition derby before I had a legal drivers license,  If I wanted him to stop he was going to stop.
I guess the figured he was fingered, between me and the black expiation, so he followed me to the shoulder. 
I get out, he gets out, and I ask him "what the hell are you passing me on the shoulder for?  you wrecked my car, took out my mirror"
His reply boiled down to "f you and nothing you can do about it, I am leaving"
Ok asswipe, but first you might want to wait for the dps trooper.
Him "I am not waiting for jack, @#$#% "
Me  "you don't need to, he is right there!"
as the trooper pulls up.
God that was sweet!  to see his face, as he realized, there was a witness sitting there and a state trooper!
An hour later,  local police finally show up,  after ambulance,  and 2 fire trucks,  they couldn't figure out the "jurisdiction"  it happened in Bureleson, we crossed into fort worth, and were sitting in Everman. 
Burleson cop on bike takes over.
witness in black expedition had left her name with me, and said she needed to goto work.  I completely understood.  Was grateful she stopped.
Especially grateful, since I am white, the guy that hit me was white, and she was African American.
I wonder, how many white women would stop if it had been 2 African Americans males? 
I am thinking.....
If nothing else I am getting police report so I can call her and tell her thanks for stopping!
so, cop is cool, but guy messed up big time.  At one point I thought cop was going to arrest said a-wipe.  If cop was not on bike 4 miles from his hometown I think said a-wipe would be in jail.
He claimed I passed him and side swiped him.  cop pointed out that My mirror that broke off left marks on my hood, so unless I was going in reverse said a-hole had to be passing me.
so guy changed story.
I never got the 4 different versions he claimed but he kept mouthing to cop. 
Never mouth to cops.  Even if your right.   
At one point I told cop, "look, this mirror cost under 150 bucks, I am not worried about the money, if this is a big hassle and nothing can be done, Ill chock it up to driving expense, not worth the headache to you to hassle with it I understand."
this was awesome part.
police said
"This guy has made me mad.  He has lied to me half a dozen times, He shouldn't be driving and he is an asshole, I am writing this up.  and I am calling the guys insurance co. To see if His policy is good like he claims it is,  if its not, I am filling with the state to revoke his liscene.  I will do this at 8am this morning....This guy is going down."
evidently , his insurance card was expired, but guy claimed he had renewed.  cop was hoping he hadn't.
In Texas, Driving without insurance you automatically lose your liscene for 6 months and the cop was hoping for this, especially after I told him I could care less about the insurance!
so anyway, I get to work, leave early, pick up mirror on way home and install it in about 30 minutes.
Mirror cost me 65 bucks with tax.
not a big deal, chock it up to cost of driving.
I will get police report and call his "insurance" co.  if its valid, ill ask for my money.
If its not, ohh well.  Life is to short to worry about the little things.
But for sure I will call that lady that did stop and thank her.  I am not going to ask her what she saw, or get her side of it.  I am going to tell her I was the guy in the red focus and that No Matter What She Saw, THANKS FOR STOPPING AND GIVING YOU NAME AND NUMBER.
her stopping and all was worth the 65 bucks for my mirror. 
its worth a lot to see that there are good people out there in this world, that don't just go around bombing countries because they want to get re-elected!
also liked it that now I know my focus can top out at 94mph!

Monday, July 12, 2004

Health care proffesion

This weekend I decided to take a break from the pool and go to the lake with the inlaws. Big mistake.
Saturday about 1pm I twisted my foot jumping from the shore to the boat. Twisted it bad. Finally about 4pm, I gave up and told them to take me back to the dock and to the emergency room. It took an hour to get to the dock and that was a long hour, unbleivable pain, foot swelling up, every little bounce hurt.
So my sister in law and son take me to the emergency room in Dennison Texas. Sister in Law was the days designated driver so lucky her!
Now mind you the last emergency room I had tried to get into was 17 years ago, Parkland hospital in Dallas, the worse emergency room in Texas at the time for a Saturday at 1am. (was appendix's, and they never did see me, finally left and went to a Catholic hospital across the street and they "saved" me! huh and you thought only right wing religous nuts saved people!)
So I was expecting the worse.

We drive up and sis in law goes and gets a wheel chair sitting outside, and wheels me in, they have a triage set up right at the entrance, no one there, but someone at the reception checking someone in. sis in law goes and ask if anyone is working triage, "yes let me buzz them"
Soooo, female nurse comes out.
Now mind you I have always had the most respect for the nurses in a hospital over anyone.
they have the "crap" jobs. they in my opinion are the ones that do the hard work. Like a construction worker, the bricklayer lays the brick, but the architect gets the credit.
so this nurse comes out starts the 50 questions. Now I dont have a problem with the 50 questions, I would want someone to know if I am alergic to something, so they dont kill me, Although she did ask one silly one.

Nurse "so do you have any medical history?"
Me "No, I am 38 years old and this is the first time I have ever been to the Dr."

Here's your sign!
actually what i said was, "well I am 38 so yes, can you be more specific!"
Nurse "have you ever had a Heart attack, diabetes, aids, head cut off, that kind of thing!"
Me "well no, unless you count the first time I saw my wife and I sure thought I had a Heart attack!"

Ok I didnt actually say that, I just said "ohh no, nothing like that"
the nurse was nice and laughed as did the male nurse that was taking my blood pressure.

The blood pressure, I was thinking with all the pain I was in and all, that it would be real bad. NOPE, 125 over 72 Little high for me but I guess itll be ok!

so then we have to goto the receptionist. What a bitch. If she had been my waitress I would have asked for the manager. Why is it that people that work in hospitals are so damn mean and rude? I wish I had brought my 2 x 4! Even my son thought she was rude.
I thought about it along time on why she and others that are not nurses or Dr.'s are so mean and rude and can come up with no acceptable reason. Do we think that the waitress at chillies likes waiting on drunk a-holes all day? no, but she keeps a smile on her face all day. Is it because they get paid nothing? if that is the case leave and become a waitress!
She was having a bad day? Hello bitch, i just messed my foot up, hurts like hell and ruined a vacation, but I was polite to you! hell me being polite to anyone wether I am hurt or not is something! but i treated you and everyone I met that day with respect, unlike you! hell that wench she dont desereve the 2x4 she deservers the 2x6 with dung dipped nails sticking out of it!
she sucked!

anyway, they get me back to emergency room area and take my wheel chair away. sis in law and son go back to lake since she is the designated driver and everyone else would need ride back to house, plus I figured I would be along time getting fixed up.
so, Dr. Franklin, comes in we chat, he sends the x-ray technicians (some more rude a-holes, I hope that wench that moved my foot onto the x-ray board got athletes hand, from my athletes infected foot! she was another beatch! I guess she was having a bad day also.)
so seemed like forever since I was in such pain, but they had to take more x-rays but finally dr. says several hairline fractures and bad sprain on foot. walking boot, crutchs, some nice drugs and take it easy on foot.
Now one thing I have learned in the last 2 years is, ask, many many questions, "ok, take it easy how? can i still do the chandelier and leather with the monkey or is that out?" "what is the name of that drug your prescribing? let me write that down, and what does it do? can i drive after taking it? the nurses got a little tired of me asking 1000 questions but I kept at it, (one nurse said it will be on the prescription bottle, I said thats nice but I want to write it down myself, she gave me a pen let me write it all down and I am glad since my med insurance had em change name brands to some off brand stuff)

so i take some good drugs, and they release me. I crutch my way outside, and no one is there waiting on me, I find a chair outside and sit, drugged up in the cool shade and reflect on.... hell i dont know what i reflected on, kind of drugged up, no pain!

total time from talking to triage nurse to sitting outside, half stoned, under 2 hours!
I was very impressed!
Nurses all nice, and Dr. was very informative. shocked is a good way to put it.

Now mind you,I told myself I was going to start paying attention to the medical stuff next time I went. since sister and sister and bro in laws are DR's and Nurses, and I always bad mouth them, I wanted to be specific on what they did wrong.

Maybe It has always been the receptionist and the technicians that are rude beatchs, and I just blame it on the dr.?

One key is ask the Dr. anything you dont understand. I mean anything. I had him get specific on alot of stuff, yes I could tell he was kinda tired or frustraded? with me but once I got it i let him know. and I thanked him, not for treating me so much but for explaining all that I asked.

No more vacations this summer, I am just gonna finish my pool and go take one in it!

And Dr.'s are still not that smart! (thats for you Suzz)

Thursday, July 8, 2004

The Presidents Blog.

The Blog of George W. Bush...

Hey Cyber Geeks! Thanks for checking out my new blog!

It took a bit of begging and perswading, but fiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnaaaaaaaallllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyy, (vice) President Cheney let me do it. So here I am! Let me here from you!

If you want to IM me, its (closest thing to Prezident avail :( I get so bored!!!

Ok. So what’s been happenin’? Did you here that Reagan died? He was a friend of my dad’s, so it’s weird that he died. When my mom called and told me I was sooo bummed. I actually went in my room and cried. GULP!

I guess that means he is never going to be president again :(

Here’s some cool links. (Some of these are my faves.)

Went shopping at the mall today. Got three new pairs of slacks. Yaaayy! Took me forever to find some that fit me just right. A 25 inch inseem sux!!!!

Picked up two hats that I like. One says “Kill Orientals: They die quicker.” Isn’t Abercrombie and Fitch the best??!!??

Hey, what do you think of the whole Iraq thing?

You know what my wife said to me last night? Her name is Laura and she’s real cool. She let’s me go out with my friends whenever I want to. Except on datenight. :( Anyway, she told me that I have a cute butt! J Kick-A!

Think Condeleeza Rice has a dick?

I do.

Whazzzz upppp? (Remember those commercials?) I am so bored. I have to meet with the French President in like two hours, I didn’t even think they had Presidents. It’s not like their Americans! Are they? What is U.N.?

OH, the new Avril Lavigne just came on the radio! Why you gotta be so complicated!

Anywho… This is too cool having my own blog!

Can U believe I get to live in the F**KING White House?!?! First student council, now THIS!

Guess who IM’ed me last nite? JOHN MAYER!

He’s only like the coolest singer around! Wonder if he would teach me guitar? As IF!

Ho hum…

Let’s see… what else is going on?

I met the Pope. We were led into some old church in Grease somewhere, and there was the pope sitting on a chair, being old.

OMG. He looked a hundred! They say he is only 83, but I think they fudging it so the Mexicans won’t think he is going to die soon. You know how they are. ;)

They say he is like the president of all the catholics. If he is, maybe he should warn them that they are all going to hell! That’s what my Sunday School teacher said anyway. Oh well…

Guess I should get going… VPOS

See ya!

IM me. I’m serious.


Don’t forget to vote for me in October!

Tuesday, July 6, 2004

Concret collar

Concrete collar. Posted by Hello

The concrete collar is done.
8 in to 10 in thick about 18 to 24" wide all around the pool.
about 3 yards of concrete.

It keeps the panels from moving.

Next is running all the plumbing and pouringn the 2" thick concrete insde floor.

I am taking this weekend off from it, going to the lake!
Im tired.

Read the instrucions supid!

The BOSS Posted by Hello

After we get the pool square, I picked up the instructions and read them again.

OOPS. if I had read them earlier I would have noticed that it says to put on the copping then square and level pool. What this does is help line up the panels and level them. would have save alot of time and effort! we are ok, but it would have helped to know it before we fought with it for hours.

Level and sqaure.

Is it level? Posted by Hello

It took several hours to get the walls level and square. Dad and I argued for ever, not so much with each other but ourselves on how to get it square. Both trying to remmber geometry.

I passed out from the heat about 2pm, dad went in and took a nap, as he was falling asleep, he had a brain storm, so him and the my son went out, and squared it up.
Me i was really passed out. The heat got to me (something about wearing or not wearing a hat, I will wear one for now on)
Katy woke me up about 4:30 said, "your dad and chase have the pool squared up!"

I believe the walls are within 1/4 of an inch of being level and square.
most are dead on, one corner gave us fits, its probably within an 1/8th of an inch from one corner to the other.

I checked after the concret collar was done yesterday and it looks right on.

close enough for me anyway!


Installing the Copping Posted by Hello

That is me screwing in the aluminum copping. the deck will go to this. the liner attaches to the bottom of the copping.

Mixing cement for the bond.

Katy mixing cement, her sister watchs. Posted by Hello

I had bought a 189 dollar new mixer, and it paid for itself fast.
Katy, the one mixing, and her sister helped me monday, and tuesday.
we poured 3 yards of concrete. all of the bond is done.

Monday, July 5, 2004

pool update tomrorrow

G. W. Bush was very depressed that people were saying he is stupid. So he calls his good friend Queen Elizabeth, who says, "Now George, what you need to do is to surround yourself with smart people. Let me show you."
She conference calls Tony Blair in and asks, "Tony, your parents had a baby. It isn't your sister and it isn't your brother. Who is it?"
Tony Blair replies, "It's me!" and hangs up.
G.W. Bush then calls Dick Cheney and says, "Dick, your parents had a baby. It isn't your sister and it isn't your brother. Who is it?"
And Cheney says, "Wow, that's a tough one. Let me get back to you."
So Cheney calls Colin Powell and says, "Colin, your parents had a baby. It isn't your sister and it isn't your brother. Who is it?"
And Colin Powell says, "It's me!"
So Cheney calls Bush and says, "It's Colin Powell."
And Bush says, "No, you idiot! It's Tony Blair!"

Friday, July 2, 2004

The sun is out and its gonna be HOT!

The sun came out yesterday after 6 days of rain!
I was able to work on the pool yesterday evening.

Today should be sunny, and also all weekend.
I should be able to get all the walls up, and concrete collar around them done.

Its suppose to have a heat index of 104 degrees today. And I am happy as hell! I can drink alot of water, get in shade for breaks, but at least I will be working on my pool.

For those that are interested, as of now, I should have 7,500 in cost for the pool when Im done.
That is for a 14 x 28 foot pool with a 6 foot deep end and 6 foot wide stairs. and that also includes all the concrete decking im doing.

That same pool made with gunite with me being my own contracor, would cost about 16,000 to 18,000 and if I had just hired a pool company would have been about 25,000 to 30,000.
Also I leveled my yard, and did not destroy any of my shrubs or plants. A pool company would have ruined alot of them plus tore up my grass in the front yard with there tractors.

It does pay to do it yourself.

Dad might be coming to help this weekend, I sure hope so, I need it.

I will post a pic I have of him driving the backhoe. He was like a little kid on that thing, quit funny to watch.