Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Daughters Birthday

My daughters 15th birthday is today.

Can you remember yours? I don’t!

Anytime I tell someone that its my daughters or sons birthday, no matter what age they are turning I get the warning. I am sure other parents have heard "the warning"

The Warning is something like, "oh she is turning 3? boy thats a tough year, LOOK OUT"
or "wow 7 already? You better LOOK OUT"

It is all BS.
When she became a teenager its was "ohh look out, you have to watch her now that she’s a teenager!"
What, I didn’t have to watch her the first 12 years?

Now its, ohh one more year and she will be driving "look out!" Or ohhh 15, you better "LOOK OUT"

Or you get, the "I remember when I was X years old, that was the worse year of my life, you better LOOK OUT!"

Not one year has been any worse than the last. As a matter of fact every year has gotten better. So when someone tells me "LOOK OUT" I yawn and say yea whatever.

So happy birthday to my Daughter.


beckn32 said...

15? No way. I remember when she was itty bitty no years old. Wow, how time flies. Well, please tell her Kim says happy birthday.

Anonymous said...

Yes, but you have a wonderful angel-baby daughter. And your son is pretty awsome too. Who knew, eh?? sha sha