Thursday, June 17, 2004

I should be Kerry's running mate.

What better choice than me?
Im a democrat.
but i appeal to all the redneck republicans.
I speak there language, literaly!
If you listen to me talk and goerge bush, we sound alike, make no since, dont say nothing of importance, and think a 2x4 upside someones head is way things should be done.

I'm serious now.
Im driving to work, someone cuts me off? Get my gun and shoot them!

Terroist crash planes into World trade center, Goerge, gets a gun and wipes out a country!

Same thing, both pretty dang stupid, dont make since, but by golly, we fell alot better!

so I apeal to the gun totting people! (mostly redneck republicans)

We both are from midland tx.

we both had failed buisness. (although, I didnt close mine oweing people money)

Now reason dems like me, I believe in social service, I believe in helping the poor (unless its the sob that cuts me off!) I dont mind paying taxs. (for yall dumb rednecks, how do we pay for the roads you drive on? the guns we use to kill the millions of innocent people in foreign countries? taxs stupid!)

I believe that since I am a male I cant tell a woman what to do with her body (although there are a few I would really...oh never mind, thats bad!)

so yea, i could apeal to both side a little, Id make a much better president than george
although, a turd in a punch bowl does that!

so call kerry tell him to pick me, and I can quit my job, funnell billions of govt contracts to friends and family, and all will be good in the world!

If you can think of some more reasons why I would make a good running mate, put em down!


Anonymous said...

brother. I think you deserve to running the campaign. I bid you good luck. :)

Anonymous said...

Count me in....I'll manage your campaign...I'll bake cookies...I'll tell people to vote for you. What else do supporters do?

Only thing is, if I tell people how they should vote, I might get hurt.

But I'm for you all the way. Now, how do you get in touch with Kerry?

E. McPan said...

Wow, if you won the VP spot, then I'd have met the President (at the rally last fall) and be related to the VP! I want to work on your campaign too. We'd play much better music than anyone running today is playing. Just promise you'll never wear a flight suit on tv.