Thursday, January 26, 2006

Ok what are the odds...

First concerning my last post. My wife slapped me into next week. she gave me all sorts of grief over it. Evidently my sister saved my daughters life and I should be grateful and not such a butthead. ok ok damit. (I do know she fixed up chase's finger when he nearly sliced it off at x-mass a few years ago but didnt realize how much she helped with the daughter) so no more giving the stupid DR. a bad time. But it was so much fun!

but back to laser eyeball surgery. I went for my last post lasering check up today. good news sir, you have followed all of our stupid DR. instructions and you have 20/20 vision. come see us in November! Sweet!

I am sitting in the waiting area at 2pm on a work day in the middle of Dallas Tx. I dont live in Dallas I live 70 miles away. In walks this lady that looks familiar. she gets to the counter says some stuff and the lady said " ok Cindy we will call you when Mary is ready" and Cindy turns around and its Cindy Cantrell, my friends mom from boy scouts and high school who I have not seen in 15 years or more! The odds of that can not be computed by me but I am buying a dozen lottery tickets for this weekends drawing!

Eveditenly all of her kids and her and her husband now live north of Dallas. Small world I tell you.

so now my Laser eyeballs not only is making my hair grow back, my gut shrink, and getting me a raise at work it reuniting me with people I have not seen in many years!

(and a side note, my wonderful wife pointed out every one of my spelling mistakes on my last post and will do the same for this one so no need to tell me)

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