Wednesday, May 4, 2005

Oh I am so sorry

You do not owe us an apology.

Jennifer Wilbanks, the bride to be that got cold feet is being put down for not apologizing to the community after they searched for her. When a person does something from the goodness of their heart to help society they do not need a thanks or some sort of apology for inconveniencing you. It should be the same on looking for someone who is not really missing.

She didn’t ask you to look for her, you did that because you know what is right. You looked for her not for her but for her family and your community. She should apologize for not being dead? For getting cold feet? To who? Those that looked for her? No!
She should apologize to her family and fiancé.

And we send out our thanks to those that spent there time and effort looking for her and every other missing person. And her family has said thanks.

But those that looked are not even due a thank you. If you did it for a thank you then you did it for the wrong reasons.

I think people want her to apologize for not being murdered by her fiancé.

And really why the hell is this story still being played out? Someone pointed out in a comment on my blog that the media was upset that they didn’t have another Laci Peterson, and you know that is what it looks like to me. They just keep going and going and they will say “that is what the public wants” I guess that is why I don’t watch news on TV very often. They are more worried about weather J. Wilbanks apologizes not if our military is using Pfc. Lynndie England as a scapegoat for the way we handled the Iraq invasion and occupation.

Or maybe its most Americans that watch network TV are so brain washed that if its not a simple soap opera then they tune out, so the networks keep it simple.

Jennifer Wilbanks, come out and tell the world to kiss your backside. For me I am glad we didn’t have to go thru another 2 year Laci Peterson trial, but sure wish they would let this drop!
Oh hell I guess I am continuing it on!
Tomorrow I blog about razors in the High School!

Party on Garth!

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