Terri something. Heart attack, no oxygen, vegetable.
Husband says she would not want to be sustained that way.
Parents say she can get better.
Before the neo Nazi GW love boys got involved, I thought, "Michael Schiavo, if she is not in pain and her parents believe in miracles let the medical community keep her alive, maybe just maybe we are wrong"
Well for whatever reason (I am not sure what) he fought that and the state court of Florida said, "sucks to be you but we believe the DR's and its time to let her pass on"
Ok. I might not agree but there was enough evidence for some high thinkers to say...sorry Mikey we know you believe in miracles but it just isn’t enough.
Let her die.
The parents, if they still believe in a miracle then in the next day or so she will tell them with her voice she is hungry. otherwise she is going to move on and so should we/us/them.
George "cocaine" Bush and his love neo Nazi religious right butt buddies have jumped in with both feet. The "FEDS" say that the states are too stupid to make a choice like that, we need the federal govt to say who should and should not die.
I think GW said it something like "The state of Florida cannot declare war on a sovereign nation and kill 100,000 people, only I can do that, ohhh hold on Rumsfield is touching me, now were was I? oh yea I am the only one that can say what is a Vegetable with no choice of recovery not a panel of expert Doctors who just think they know about the human body! oh not there donny, little higher ahhh"
What scares me the most is the fact they rushed thru a bill that was ill conceived, and will have long term implications with 60% or more of the USA citizens against it.
so they could come for you next. Next they could rush thru a bill saying all people who dont go to church on Sunday will be shot out of hand! they could hello! Ohhh wait then GW would be gone since MR. I am the religious rights president does not go to church but about 4 times a year! (I think he is to busy doing weird things with Rumsfield but that is only my opinion)
We do need checks and balances. We do need to look at as many sides as we can and then make the best decision we can as a society. It might be wrong but we did the best we could. In the case of Terri that was done about 3 years ago. Unfortunately people refuse to lose even if the cost of winning is so high that they will lose allot more down the road.
ok back to your bourbon and coke.