Tuesday, September 21, 2004


Sitting at sons football game in Joshua, Texas.

Now I am not good at vocabulary or spelling.
If I think spelling is important on a document I will type it in microsoft word and hit f7 to check it, or I will pick up a dictionary.
If its real important, IE:Work related, I will get my wife to check it for me. Or I might ask my boss (He knows I am slow when it comes to I before E except after J, or whatever it is!)
In other words, if I am going to advertise myself to make a living I will use all the resources that are available to me.

So my wife points out these peoples sitting in front of me. She says "This is what is wrong with living in white trash Joshua, Texas"

Mrs. Lawyer spelling queen, can you point out what is wrong with their advertisment?
Scroll down to see the picture, and click on it to make it larger.

I did have to read it twice before I caught it but I am slow as I said!

Also, I used "Synergy" correctly in a sentence today talking with the bosses boss! Yea how about that, and damit, it just came out, I knew what I wanted to say and it fit! I bet there are less than five people in the town of Joshua, Texas that know what that words means let alone how to use it in a sentence!

SYNERGISM Also SYNERGY The action of two or more substance, organs, or organisms to achieve an effect of which each is individually incapable.

Ill post all the bragging stuff on my sons football game tomorrow!

to? or too? Posted by Hello


E. McPan said...
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E. McPan said...

Okay, so I accidentally deleted my comment. Basically, they may have no job that is too small but maybe they just ran out of space (or cash) on their shirts for that extra "o." I am really impressed with your use of synergy. I'm not sure I've ever used it except once and that was a mistake. And besides, you know to use a dictionary, spell check, or your wife if it's really important.