Saturday, September 25, 2004
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
Sons football game.
Went to sons 3rd football game yesterday.
He plays defensive end and is pretty good.
Number 63.
so I took the cam corder and the digi cam, to record it for him (or for me and the wife)
other team gets the ball first so chase is on defense. He gets the first tackle! cool!
Then a few plays later his team intercepts the ball.
so I am thinking, ok offense goes on the field, no more pics or video for a bit, take a break.
Danged if he didnt play defensive end and offensive lineman!
He played every single down but 2 kickoffs!
Iron man football!
He must get it from me.
Me the sports jock!
The good son is the defensive end in blue, #63
Posted by
Hearse Driver
Tuesday, September 21, 2004
Sitting at sons football game in Joshua, Texas.
Now I am not good at vocabulary or spelling.
If I think spelling is important on a document I will type it in microsoft word and hit f7 to check it, or I will pick up a dictionary.
If its real important, IE:Work related, I will get my wife to check it for me. Or I might ask my boss (He knows I am slow when it comes to I before E except after J, or whatever it is!)
In other words, if I am going to advertise myself to make a living I will use all the resources that are available to me.
So my wife points out these peoples sitting in front of me. She says "This is what is wrong with living in white trash Joshua, Texas"
Mrs. Lawyer spelling queen, can you point out what is wrong with their advertisment?
Scroll down to see the picture, and click on it to make it larger.
I did have to read it twice before I caught it but I am slow as I said!
Also, I used "Synergy" correctly in a sentence today talking with the bosses boss! Yea how about that, and damit, it just came out, I knew what I wanted to say and it fit! I bet there are less than five people in the town of Joshua, Texas that know what that words means let alone how to use it in a sentence!
SYNERGISM Also SYNERGY The action of two or more substance, organs, or organisms to achieve an effect of which each is individually incapable.
Ill post all the bragging stuff on my sons football game tomorrow!
to? or too?
Posted by
Hearse Driver
Monday, September 20, 2004
Why didn't I do this before?
Saturday it was just my son and I at home and I wanted to pour another section of concrete. It was going to be a real hot day so I tried to get started early, but I had to take my daughter to the mother-in-laws to babysit a nephew while the wifes had a garage sale. I didnt get back until 10am, by then it was already hot. Then it took another hour to get ready. I needed help.
So I asked the good son, "if you help me with pouring the cement, I will help you mow the yard later"
son "what kind of help? college football starts soon and I dont need help with mowing."
me "all I need is after I mix the cement, if you will wet down the cement mixer and then come hold the wheelbarrow while I pour it out. It will take you just a few minutes and then you can stand at the door and watch the games while I smooth and mix another batch"
son "Can you show me how to mix the cement? I could mix and you could pour and we would get done faster!"
Me "heck yea!"
So now the good son is the official cement mixer. He is the fastest one and most consistent one we have!
Saturday we did, just him and I, the 2nd biggest pour yet and took less time than when we had 3 adults working.
And Sundays pour was mixed and spread in about an hour. (cant miss Sunday football you know)
Ohh and he never stopped, if he had the next batch ready and I was not there he would refill our water glasses. Or he cleaned tools. Or came and got the wheelbarrow from me.
Im thinking, he has straight A's in school right now, maybe I could keep him out of school sometime next week and we could finish the deck! Ohh no cant do that, he has football practice, hum maybe I could get him from school after morning practice, work during class, then take him back for afternoon practice! yea that would work!
Ok maybe not, but I do know what he will be doing this weekend!
Posted by
Hearse Driver
Saturday, September 18, 2004
Friday, September 17, 2004
Small pour by myself on Friday
Pour I am doing today.
This small pour I will do myself this friday.
Ill post the finished pic of it tomorrow.
Posted by
Hearse Driver
Wednesday, September 15, 2004
Becoming a Republican
On Becoming a Republican
1) You have to believe that the nation’s 8-year prosperity prior to W’s administration was due to the work of Ronald Reagan and George H. Bush, but that today’s growing deficit and rising gas prices are all Clinton’s fault.
2) You have to believe that those privileged from birth achieve success all on their own.
3) You have to be against government programs, except Social Security checks on time.
4) You have to believe that government should stay out of people’s lives, yet you want government to regulate only opposite-gender marriages, your personal sexual and reproductive decisions and what your official language should be.
5) You have to believe that pollution is OK, so long as it makes a profit.
6) You have to believe in prayer in schools, as long as you don’t pray to Allah or Buddha.
7) You have to believe that only your own teenagers are still virgins.
8) You have to believe that a woman cannot be trusted with decisions about her own body, but that large multinational corporations should have no regulation or interference whatsoever.
9) You love Jesus and Jesus loves you and, by the way, Jesus shares your hatred of AIDS victims, homosexuals, and ex-President Clinton.
10) You have to believe that society is colorblind and growing up black in America doesn’t diminish your opportunities, but you still won’t vote for Alan Keyes.
11) You have to believe that it was wise to allow Ken Starr to spend $50 million dollars to attack Clinton because no other US presidents have ever been unfaithful to their wives.
12) You have to believe that a waiting period for purchasing a handgun is bad because quick access to a new firearm is an important concern for all Americans.
13) You have to believe it is wise to keep condoms out of schools, because we all know if teenagers don’t have condoms they won’t have sex.
14) You have to believe that the ACLU is bad because they defend the Constitution, while the NRA is good because they defend the Constitution.
15) You have to believe that socialism hasn’t worked anywhere, and that Europe doesn’t exist.
16) You have to believe the AIDS virus is not important enough to deserve federal funding proportionate to the resulting death rate and that the public doesn’t need to be educated about it, because if we just ignore it, it will go away.
17) You have to believe that biology teachers are corrupting the morals of 6th graders if they teach them the basics of human sexuality, but the Bible, which is full of sex and violence, is good reading and right on the mark.
18) You have to believe that Chinese communist missiles have killed more Americans than handguns, alcohol, and tobacco.
19) You have to believe that even though governments have supported the arts for 5000 years and that most of the great works of Renaissance art were paid for by governments, our government should shun any such support. After all, the rich can afford to buy their own art and the poor doesn’t need any.
20) You have to believe that the lumber from the last one percent of old growth US forests is well worth the destruction of those forests and the extinction of the several species of plants and animals therein.
21) You have to believe that we should forgive and pray for Newt Gingrich, Henry Hyde, and Bob Livingston for their marital infidelities, but that bastard Clinton should have been impeached.
Posted by
Hearse Driver
Monday, September 13, 2004
sooo, you want to do your laundry huh?
you pour, ill smooth!
My brother, he likes to come over on the weekends and do his laundry and get a free meal.
well since I started this pool, he has found out its not so free.
This weekend I had him help me pour concrete on sunday DURING THE DALLAS COWBOYS FOOTBALL GAME!
Posted by
Hearse Driver
another 60 sq foot done.
Wife, my brother and I did another 60 sq feet of concret yesterday. The biggest section done at once so far.
have concret done half way around the pool.
about 1/3 of total is done.
Posted by
Hearse Driver
Thursday, September 9, 2004
Ladder pour.
today's pour. Start of the ladder.
poured this section on Thursday the 9th. Was the 5th section to pour and the best so far. Getting the pebbles to show up top is real hard. First you lay down concrete to about an inch and half from the top of the forms.
then you put the last inch and half in all at once so its the same Consistency, IE: all dry about the same time.
you then sprinkle the pebbles onto it.
then press them down with a 2x6. Covering all the pebbles.
then go skinny dipping for about an hour while it dries some (this depends on the Temperature, sunlight, wind, yesterday was about an hour)
then you roll it with my home made 150lb roller! Being careful to not dent the concrete, your just rolling the rocks flat.
you then start brushing the concrete off the top of the pebbles, exposing them.
This is much harder than it sounds, and takes the longest. The concert has to be dry but not dry. Its more of a feel than anything.
after it has dried a lot more, you brush, then spray it with just little bit of water, the water takes or is suppose to take just the top layer of concrete off. You have to get this just right. To much water pressure and you will take pebbles out, leaving little Indentions and uneven spots.
to dry and you wont take any off and the pebbles wont be exposed.
If you cant get it (the top layer of concrete) off, then when it dries you use muratic acid mixed with water to eat (called etching) the concrete off.
Again, to much acid and you will take too much concrete off and the pebbles will come loose.
Posted by
Hearse Driver
from side. right outside the back door.
from side
The grass you see was put down to help stop the mud pit right outside the back door.
was my sister-in-laws idea.
Posted by
Hearse Driver
Tuesday, September 7, 2004
George Bush was out jogging one morning along the parkway when he tripped, fell over the bridge railing and landed in the creek below.
Before the Secret Service guys could get to him, three kids, who were fishing, pulled him out of the water. He was so grateful he offered the kids whatever they wanted.
The first kid said: "I sure would like to go to Disneyland." George said: "No problem. I'll take you there on Air Force One."
The second kid said: "I really need a new pair of Nike Air Jordan's." George said: "I'll get them for you and even have Michael sign them!".
The third kid said: "I want a motorized wheelchair with a built-in TV and stereo headset!!" George Bush is a little perplexed by this and says: "But you don't look like you are injured."
The kid says: "But I will be after my dad finds out I saved your ass from drowning!"
Posted by
Hearse Driver
Wednesday, September 1, 2004
passed inspection its time to lay some concrete
Lets rock!
As you can see, the rebar is done, the forms are up!
I just passed my second of 3 inspections, so I can pour the deck. Will start Friday after work on the actual pour, but will be getting everything ready until then.
Posted by
Hearse Driver