Tuesday, December 21, 2004


An elderly man walks into a confessional. The following conversation ensues: "I am 92 years old Father, I have a wonderful wife of 70 years, many children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. Yesterday, I picked up two college girls, hitchhiking. We went to a motel, where I had sex with each of them three times."

Priest: "Are you sorry for your sins?"
Man: "What sins?"
Priest: "What kind of a Catholic are you?"
Man: "I'm Jewish."
Priest: "Why are you telling me all this?"
Man: "I'm telling everybody."

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Phone call

SBC has been calling everyday this week about 7pm or so.

Normally I just hang up on them.

But last night was diffrent.

Me:What (thats how I answer sales calls)

SBC:Is x x there?

Me:What do you want.

SBC:Is this x x?

Me:What? you work at a phone company and dont know who you called?

SBC:UHHH I was calling to talk to you about your phone service and who you use. and see if we could switch you to sbc

Me.I use the only company that can service me, sbc does not have phone lines run to my house so I can not switch to you.

SBC.yes we do, you still live at address x?

Me. yes i do live there but sbc does not have phone lines run to my house.

SBC.my computer show we do so we can switch you over.

Me.I am 100% sure you do not have phone lines ran to my house.

SBC.Well sir, how would you know that?

Me.Because I dug the son of a bitch up this past summer when I put in my pool!

SBC.I will put you on our do not call list.....

Sunday, December 12, 2004

Texas hold em

Still mad about it.

I have played over 5,000 hands online in the last year.

I have won real money playing it.

I won 2nd in a real 100 dollar to enter tourny.

I have won against pros.

I play with a bunch of goofy amatures that dont know a suit from a pretty picture thing. that dont know a full house from 3 of the same number and 2 of another number.
That think a straight is 4 cards in numerical order.
and I lose.
and not just once but both @#$# times.

But I figured it out.
I played against my sisters....and when I was young we use to play monoply and they would always cheat, so stands to reason that is what they did this time.
Least I have matured and didnt kick there heads in like I use to when we were younger, I acted the more mature adult and let it slide.


Sunday, December 5, 2004

Reliving the past

Since its cold outside I cant work on my backyard anymore, I will relive the past and go thru from the time I started up to presesent.

I actually started sometime in the winter of 2003. I started by researching on the internet everything I could about building a pool.
How they are built, materials used, concepts, cost, manufactures....people that had built there own, and those that had them custome built.
Diffrent pool building companys. Diffrent ideas, thoughts, anything and everything I could get my mouse on.

I came up with a few ideas, thoughts, opinions of my own.

There are four basic pools built.

One is the above ground, vinyl liner pool.
I did not want an above ground pool for several reason.
1.they do not last longer than 5 to 7 years on average.
Yes they can last longer, but its rare.
2. you have to build a wood deck up off the ground plus steps.
3. To me it does not add to the asthetics of the yard/house. acutally takes away.

cost of an above ground pool, the size I wanted with deck approx. 3200.00 with me doing all the labor.

Second type is the Inground Fiberglass pool.

This is a huge fiberglass shell that you buy and then put in a hole in the ground.
The biggest reason I didnt do fiberglass was the cost.
about 20k with me doing what work I could.
the shell itself delived and craned into my backyard woulda been about 14k.
That would leave all the deck, plumbing, digging the hole, plus all the pumps etc for me to do.

They do last along time, but I have heard you have to re-gelcoat them after a period of time, how long im not sure.

Third type is the Gunite pool.
they are built using re-bar and spraying gunite over it, then plastering that.
the majority of pools built in texas by companys is guinte pools. (over 90%)

You can't mix your own gunite for a job as small as the one I was doing.
so you have to have someone spray it on.
The plastering is another tough job. Although you can do it yourself, from what I have read its alot harder than any part of the job that I did.
And the plaster has to be redone every 10 to 15 years. (although I have read of plaster lasting over 20 years, but its rare)
and the plaster "breaths" that is it leaks chemicals into the water, so you have to use chemicals to counter act those chemicals, then before you know it your having a chemical war with your pool and GW is bombing your neighbors looking for WMD.
some cost breakdowns.
1.Call pool "builder" and have them do turn key product. my pool with fence and deck. 28,000 bucks.
2. you subcontract out what you can and do what you can.
a. Dig hole myself....1200
b. Rebar and install myself....800
c. Guinte sprayed in by manufacture.....4500
d. plaster, installed by skilled labor, not me......4000 (min)
E. All the pumps plumbing installed by me..........1500
F. Deck installed by me...............2000
g. Fence done by me........800
Total estimate before you add in the 20% fudge factor=14,800

My old cube neighbor did his close to this way although he did very little of the physical work, he hired it out, but his cost him a little over 20,000.

By subcontracting it out you can see that you save alot of money. However...

the biggest draw back to a guinite pool is the plaster needing to be redone every 10 to 15 years.
Also the chemical war thing since 9-11 had me concerned.

This brings us to the vinyl liner inground pool.
(yes I ignored the concrete inground pool, since gunite is a sprayable concrete, the true concrete pool has gone away)

A vinyl liner inground pool is this.
A hole in the ground, with a vinyl liner layed in it.
thats the basic part.
now you need something behind the vinyl liner to suppor it so it will last but...
you could take some black plastic and drape it inside a hole in the ground, fill it with water and you would have a pool.
I have seen pictures of black plastic drapped inside the back of pickup trucks, and filled with water.
vinyl pool same concept.
I have seen the type I built, hard plastic sides, set in concret with braces, with concret bottom and the vinyl laid inside it.
I have also seen D.I.Y. guys that used cender blocks for the sides.
As long as its not going to move it does not really matter.
You could do a guinte pool and then instead of plastering it, you could lay vinyl liner in it.
what I was looking for was someting that I could do most if not all the work myself to save money and get the enjoyment of building something and would last a long time with the least amount of upkeep, both money and labor.

so I chose a vinyl pool, that uses plastic sides that are braced and set in concrete, with a concrete bottom.

Also the vinyl does not breath the same as plaster thus your chemical upkeep is much easier.

This was a type of pool I could do the majority of the work. (I ended up doing all of it!)

My cost estimate was 10,000 and my goal was 8,000
I ended up spending just over 9,000. however I originally did not plan on the fence, but after I had the pool and deck complete decided to do the fence.
that was another 700 in materials.

First day, friend takes a turn on the "terramite" Posted by Hello

First dig way back on June 5th. Posted by Hello

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Real paper co worker brought back from England. Posted by Hello

Tuesday, November 23, 2004


Three Texas surgeons were arguing as to which had the greatest skill. The first began: "Three years ago, I reattached seven fingers on a pianist. He went on to give a recital for the Queen of England."
The second replied: "That's nothing. I attended a man in a car accident. All his arms and legs were severed from his body. Two years after I reattached them, he won three gold medals for field events in the Olympics."
The third said: "A few years back, I attended to a cowboy. He was high on cocaine and alcohol when he rode his horse head-on into a Santa Fe freight train traveling at 100 miles per hour. All I had to work with was the horse's ass and a ten gallon hat. Last year he became president of the United States.

Tuesday, November 9, 2004

My Garden spider CHARLIE

This is Charlie.
My freindly garden spider.
He is about 2 inches across.
Click on the pic and look at it full size.
I took this with my dimage 7 digital camera.

Charlie lives in my garden eating bad bugs.
needless to say I dont mind spiders and I eat snakes!

Big Charlie, my pet spider Posted by Hello

Charlie! Posted by Hello

Thursday, November 4, 2004

The eclipse during a cloud break. click on the pic and it will open up much larger. Posted by Hello

Tuesday, November 2, 2004

From the back door. Posted by Hello

From under the patio Posted by Hello

Fence Posted by Hello

From the deep end towards BBQ area Posted by Hello

BBQ area. Posted by Hello

Sunday the 30th Posted by Hello

Monday, November 1, 2004

oompa lumpas Posted by Hello

Saturday, October 23, 2004

from this to, the next pic Posted by Hello

getting some grass down, clean up started. Posted by Hello

Monday, October 18, 2004

The Last Rib.

Just found out my bro who comes over nearly every weekend to watch football and do his laundry and just hang out, likes my ribs.
I didnt think he cared one way or the other.
He missed ribs this sat. he went out of town.
I cook ribs nearly every sat.
If not on Sat. then on Sunday.
anytime your in town and want some good ribs give me a shout.
For all yall freaky veggie people, I have an organic garden, we can cook you up some of that crap also!
Me, I will stick to bourbon and coke, and any kind of food that use to run around some way or another.
Cow, Pig, are the first choice, then it would get complicated.
Chicken is not a meat, nor is fish, but they are better than veggies.
I guess after pig, I would go for seafood, then catfish, then rattlesnake then chicken.
chicken only higher than cat or dog cause I have never tried to slow cook them.
and realy, how many meals can you get out of a cat?
not many more than a rat.
never tried rat either, but slow cooked with the right seasoning, I bet it would be good. (the Rat not the Cat)

so come on over, we eat some ribs, and you might get lucky and it wont be the day I decide to see how cat or the rat taste slow cooked over mesquite!

And yes I have had rattlesnake, I even killed the SOB, skinned it, cooked it and then ate it!
and no it didnt taste like chicken. Tasted like bacon, cause we fried it in bacon grease! Next time I will slow roast it, heard it taste good that way.

Ohh, I did kill a squirl and tried to skin it so we could cook it up, but kinda messed up on skinning it, so have not got to try that yet.
And rabbit stew is awesome in the winter!

And the flying cicus monkey we killed was not one, so we didnt get to eat that.
now that is a whole nother story.

Sunday, October 17, 2004

the last pour  Posted by Hello

after acid wash on exposed aggraget Posted by Hello

pool Posted by Hello

all deck cement is down! Posted by Hello

all deck is done Posted by Hello

Saturday, October 16, 2004

Just one more big pour!

Going to pour the last spot tomorrow
this is for the patio.
I will still have one 3x6 area for my BBQ grill I will pour, but tomorrow the pool portion will be done!
alot of little clean up to do, and then grass to lay, fence to build,


one more pour to do! Posted by Hello


While doing todays pour with son, walking with a wheel barrow full of concrete I stepped into the pool, falling in, hitting my knee, hurting my back and my still broke foot.
had to do a quick change, and keep going. cement dont wait on scraped knees or hurt backs!

Fell in pool while working Posted by Hello

Friday, October 8, 2004

I too can be President

Watching or rather I tried to watch some of the debate tonight.


George is a better butcher of the english language than I am!
He make me sound like an english major from up north!

You have to have a very simple mind to think his ideas are correct.

partial birth abortion, its yes or no.

This was his reply after Kerry says what about when a Womans life is in danger?

It is never as simple as YES or NO but GW and his followers just dont get it.

I have decided until GW is no longer president I will tell people I am from Portales New Mexico!

Sunday, October 3, 2004

big view Posted by Hello

Nearly done with deck. Posted by Hello

sunday pour. only 2 more with gravel on top. Posted by Hello