you make it too easy
So its only Feb but…
Hold that thought.
I have 7 sisters and 6 brothers…you would think that it would be hard to name the dumbest one each year.. (and I include myself in all calculations)
Year before last I won the award, since I started building a pool in a flood year, broke my foot and numerous small things. It happens.
Last year it went to the lawyer chick. She passes the law bar thing and then moves to a city and gets hit with a hurricane. It happens.
But this year, now take in this, its only February but Dr chick has set the bar so low that it would take a vice president shooting to be any dumber. (speaking of which, I now wear body armor and have put a republicans are GOD sticker on my car, I don’t want to get accidentally shot!)
This girl who went to college for what 10 years? And is held in high regard by the general public has done more dumb things in 2 months than most people do in 10 years. (except them stupid democrats who are all about love and peace, they should all be taken bird hunting with the VP! ((that is for GW and the NSA so when they read my blog they know I am a GOD fearing IRAQ killing blood thirsty kill em all and let god sort em out type of guy))
Poor DR. she gets laser surgery and her eyeballs fall out. Then goes on a helo ride and gets sick knowing good and well she will. (and she prescribed something for pop so he didn’t get sick. So she knows there is stuff out there to help just doesn’t take it for herself)
“While in Vegas we played a little black jack and watched a hilarious hypnosis show. Then we went on a helicopter tour of the Grand Canyon. Beautiful! But halfway there I got air sick. Ughhhh. I kept taking deep even breaths and willing myself not to throw up. We landed in the Canyon and had a Champagne toast. I drank Sprite. The nice pilot asked if I was sick.
"Yes," I said.
"Does this happen often to you?" He asked.
"All the time. I get sick on boats, planes, back seats of cars and now helicopters. . . "
"Did you take anything before we left?"
"No." I replied as I rubbed my arms to keep warm. I was freezing in the Canyon and only brought a short sleeved shirt.
"Oh, brilliant." He smirked. "And what is it you do?"
"Uhhh. I'm a doctor. . . "
Yeah. My brother is going to go off again on that one. I may as well own a cat and vote Democrat now. That would complete the Moron of the Year Award in his mind.
I had to change a word cause she made a mistake…don’t want anyone to get confused on were I stand on this great country of ours! (ok I don’t want to get shot. Hello I won the dumb guy award once already don’t need it again!)
So DR. yes your at the top of the list, lets hope you win it because for one of your bros or sisters to top it would take a screw up of ungodly imagination!
But keep this in you mind. You didn’t accidentally shoot someone while hunting illegally in Texas and then try and cover it up like no one would notice! You are way out classed in the stupid acts category. You don’t even rate compared to what happened Saturday.
So keep your chin up!