I can do a lot of different titles for this post.
My car will do 94
were is a cop when you need them?
White trash should be shot!
Black lady helping a white guy!
after you read threw this you will see what I mean.
I leave for work at 5:50 in the am. Its still dark. I drive 174 to I-35. At I35 174 is 2 lanes and the interstate is 2 lanes, after they merge its 3 lanes.
The lane all the way to the left next to the concrete barrier is called lane one, middle is called middle and far right is lane 3 or far right.
I was coming down 174 in lane "4", one to the right of lane 3, after about a 1/4 of mile it has to either exit, or merge with I-35. So each morning for last 6 years, I merge, I look over my left shoulder, check traffic, look again in mirror, use blinker, and merger, and most days I go ahead and merge all the way to the #1 lane, since I take it for the next 35 miles!
This morning, I looked over my left, there was black expedition or suburban, about 150 feet back, plenty of room for me to merge to the #1 lane, I used blinker and did just that.
Next thing I know, I am being hit on my left side of the car, by a small green pickup! It knocks me around a Little, takes my Mirror completely off!
Evedently he was behind the black truck, and as I moved over he had switched to the middle lane, then back to the #1 lane, about the time I was in the #1 lane. He was speeding. I know this since I was doing exactly the speed limit. (more about that in a minute)
My first thoughts were all bad words! but then he just keeps going.
Were is a cop when you need em?
Well for all you butthead thinking hearse had done something wrong let me set you straight.
Reason I know I was doing the speed limit and was perfectly legal, is...
I was following onto the Interstate a Texas State Trooper!
This a-hole passes me on the shoulder, hits my car, takes my mirror off, and there is dps trooper in the #3 lane! course he didn't see it, as I pulled up next to him, the dps trooper that is, he just gave me a blank stare! so I took matters into my own hands. This white trash red neck SOB was not going to get away with this crap!
I dropped the 4 cyc. hearse turbo charged, triple cross threaded header 2001 RED ford focus into 4th gear and went into High pursuit!
Got my little boy up to 94MPH and guys that is all he had! Lucky the guy that sideswipped me, saw me and the black expedition on his ass! He realized, he had been fingered! I pull up beside him and motion for him to pull over! He shoots me the finger.
Now normally in DFW traffic someone shoots the finer, you just say to yourself, "oh well"
but I knew that the dps trooper was right behind us!
so I went into his lane. In all seriousness I was read to put that SOB into the wall.
When I was younger I drove some stock cars, plus played car tag with old cars, and I was in a demolition derby before I had a legal drivers license, If I wanted him to stop he was going to stop.
I guess the figured he was fingered, between me and the black expiation, so he followed me to the shoulder.
I get out, he gets out, and I ask him "what the hell are you passing me on the shoulder for? you wrecked my car, took out my mirror"
His reply boiled down to "f you and nothing you can do about it, I am leaving"
Ok asswipe, but first you might want to wait for the dps trooper.
Him "I am not waiting for jack, @#$#% "
Me "you don't need to, he is right there!"
as the trooper pulls up.
God that was sweet! to see his face, as he realized, there was a witness sitting there and a state trooper!
An hour later, local police finally show up, after ambulance, and 2 fire trucks, they couldn't figure out the "jurisdiction" it happened in Bureleson, we crossed into fort worth, and were sitting in Everman.
Burleson cop on bike takes over.
witness in black expedition had left her name with me, and said she needed to goto work. I completely understood. Was grateful she stopped.
Especially grateful, since I am white, the guy that hit me was white, and she was African American.
I wonder, how many white women would stop if it had been 2 African Americans males?
I am thinking.....
If nothing else I am getting police report so I can call her and tell her thanks for stopping!
so, cop is cool, but guy messed up big time. At one point I thought cop was going to arrest said a-wipe. If cop was not on bike 4 miles from his hometown I think said a-wipe would be in jail.
He claimed I passed him and side swiped him. cop pointed out that My mirror that broke off left marks on my hood, so unless I was going in reverse said a-hole had to be passing me.
so guy changed story.
I never got the 4 different versions he claimed but he kept mouthing to cop.
Never mouth to cops. Even if your right.
At one point I told cop, "look, this mirror cost under 150 bucks, I am not worried about the money, if this is a big hassle and nothing can be done, Ill chock it up to driving expense, not worth the headache to you to hassle with it I understand."
this was awesome part.
police said
"This guy has made me mad. He has lied to me half a dozen times, He shouldn't be driving and he is an asshole, I am writing this up. and I am calling the guys insurance co. To see if His policy is good like he claims it is, if its not, I am filling with the state to revoke his liscene. I will do this at 8am this morning....This guy is going down."
evidently , his insurance card was expired, but guy claimed he had renewed. cop was hoping he hadn't.
In Texas, Driving without insurance you automatically lose your liscene for 6 months and the cop was hoping for this, especially after I told him I could care less about the insurance!
so anyway, I get to work, leave early, pick up mirror on way home and install it in about 30 minutes.
Mirror cost me 65 bucks with tax.
not a big deal, chock it up to cost of driving.
I will get police report and call his "insurance" co. if its valid, ill ask for my money.
If its not, ohh well. Life is to short to worry about the little things.
But for sure I will call that lady that did stop and thank her. I am not going to ask her what she saw, or get her side of it. I am going to tell her I was the guy in the red focus and that No Matter What She Saw, THANKS FOR STOPPING AND GIVING YOU NAME AND NUMBER.
her stopping and all was worth the 65 bucks for my mirror.
its worth a lot to see that there are good people out there in this world, that don't just go around bombing countries because they want to get re-elected!
also liked it that now I know my focus can top out at 94mph!