Friday, August 20, 2004

iq test, what a bunch of idiots.

Your IQ score is 127

This number is based on a scientific formula that compares how many questions you answered correctly on the Classic IQ Test relative to others.

Your Intellectual Type is Word Warrior. This means you have exceptional verbal skills. You can easily make sense of complex issues and take an unusually creative approach to solving problems. Your strengths also make you a visionary. Even without trying you're able to come up with lots of new and creative ideas. And that's just a small part of what we know about you from your test results.

Took this test online somewere. I take them every once in awhile.
now I score anywere from 130 to 145 normally. This one was a little low, maybe I took it too fast.

Never has anyone said i have exceptional verbal skills.

I will put this one down as bogus!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey - what's the status? I keep looking for new pics.

Your brother said you look very tired, like someone beat you up.

Have you recovered?????????