Wednesday, January 31, 2007

new washer and dryer

IMG_0750, originally uploaded by hearsedrv.

After 18 years of using the washer and dryer my father in law gave us for a wedding present (we didnt get it until a few years after we were married since we were living in apartments and moving all the time)
We finally broke down and got new ones.

Front loading, energy effecient stackable ones!

These uses 60% plus less water than the old and half the time to wash and mucho shorter to dry!

I picked them up one at a time on sale from was a return and I got it over half off.

also makes tons more room in the laundry area as you can see they stack and I built a bench to fold etc on.

Wish my mom had these when we were growing up, she would have loved them. You can wash more clothes at once plus they dry as fast as they wash.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YOu've motivated me. I was feeling anxious that we put on our listing of our house that all appliances would stay with the house (all are about 7 - 10 years old - husband said, "let them go".) I freaked. But seeing your new appliance I think "oh! I want that one!!" Especially now that Peyton is potty training and is really messy!
sister Sha Sha