Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Really bad day for some!

Talked to buddy yesterday. His youngest son had birthday, so he was gonna take the little one out for all that is wanted by a 4 yr old.
Chuckee cheese, laser tag and toys are us.

Now he ended up doing this, but it started off pretty bad.
Heck for one guy was probably worse day he will have in a long ass time.
His older son, comes in from playing outside, he is about 7 I think, and goes straight to bathroom, to take bath. This kinda odd, as is fact he don’t want anyone to come in.
Well momma finally gets in, and
This is hard to write about sorry.

The poor guy got into poison ivey and guys were is the worse place you can get poison ivey? You got it!, that is were he got it!
Momma had to take him to the DR.
They might think about going ahead and inrolling him in counseling as I don’t know about you, or him, but that would mess me up for long time!

So next time your having a chitty day, just think, you could have poison ivey on your dingus and be sitting in a dr. office wondering if things are gonna keep working!

Have a good one!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How did he manage to get poison ivy Down Below? Was he running around without underwear?

Poor kid.